Papa's Simple Bread Loaf

Papa's Simple Bread Loaf

We grew up with very little. My Papa was an immigrant to this country; he came here with the clothing on his back and a knife in his pocket. He was a general laborer, working wherever he could each day. Although we did not have money, we always had bread. No matter how busy my Papa was, he always found time to bake bread for us. I remember trying so hard to wake up early to help him, but every time he was already putting the dough in the oven, a crooked smile on his face as he looked my way.

I remember the feel of a warm loaf of round bread fresh from the oven. The smell overwhelmed our small home, my sisters and brothers all clamoring to rip off a piece from the loaf and eat it. But Papa always told us no, you must wait for it to cool. We have time. We always have time. My Papa worked many hours but for us, his children, he always found time to make us bread. He was not perfect, no. My Papa had a darkness in him. A darkness that is inside all men.

One day while my Papa was out working on the docks, a man knocked on our door. I was the oldest, so I answered. I did not recognize this man, who claimed he was a friend of my Papa. He held a crumpled brown bag in his hand and after looking around a few times, he handed it to me. "Give this to your father, little Jakob," he said to me. "It is a gift for the mayor. Only your father can give it to him." The man left our home.

I put the bag on my Papa's mattress. I tried to resist but I couldn't help myself, I opened the bag and looked inside. A small, black revolver with a single bullet lay at the bottom of the bag. Suddenly it felt like the heaviest object in the world, like it would pull me through the mattress and floor and down into the depths of hell if I didn't let go immediately. I ran out of the bedroom and tried to clear my mind.

My Papa came home and went into his bedroom. He came out moments later, but something was wrong. Like he had seen a ghost. He kissed me on the forehead, and said "take care of them, Jakob. You are the man of the house now." Before I could say anything, he walked out the front door.

My Papa died that night. The revolution began that night.

Papa's Simple Bread Loaf:


  • 600 grams all-purpose flour

  • 20 grams salt

  • 12 grams baking powder

  • 450 grams water

Pre-heat oven to 450 degrees F.

Whisk flour, salt and baking powder together until evenly mixed.


Add 450 grams of water to dry mix and stir to create dough.

Place onto parchment-lined baking sheet in round shape.


Bake approximately 45 minutes, let cool for 1-2 hours.

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